
| Published: March 12, 2021

Gender difference between big five personality

Dr. Umakant Subhash Gaikwad

Hod. Psychology, Art’s & Science College, Chincholi (Li.), Tq. Kannad, Maharashtra, India Google Scholar More about the auther

DIP: 18.01.067/20210901

DOI: 10.25215/0901.067


This Study Purpose was to find out the Study the Gender Difference between Big Five Personality on Students Total sample of present study 100 Students in which 50 were Male Students (25 Urban and 25 Rural Students) and 50 Female Students (25 Urban and 25 Rural Students) from Aurangabad, Dist. in Maharashrta. The subject selected in this sample will be used in the age group of 18 years to 25 years and Ratio 1:1. Non- probability purposive Quota Sampling will be used. The independent variables are Gender (1) Male Students 2) Female Students), and Dependent variables are Big Five Personality (Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, Openness) and the present study a balanced 2×2 factorial design will be used.  The data was collected by using the Big five personality Scale (1999) by John and Srivastava. The data was analyzed by using Mean, SD and ANOVA. Results show that 1) there is no significant difference between Male and Female Students on Extraversion. 2) Female Students high Agreeableness than Male Students. 3) Male Students high Conscientiousness than Female Students. 4) Female Students high Neuroticism than Male Students. 5) There is no significant difference between Male and Female Students on Openness.

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Published in   Volume 09, Issue 1, January-March, 2021