Original Study

| Published: November 25, 2023

To Study the Change in Trends of Gender Schemas and Its Impact on Youth

Nivedita A. Prabhune

Research Scholar, Department of Psychology, MGM University Google Scholar More about the auther

, Dr. Pratibha Mehetre

Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, MGM University, Aurangabad Google Scholar More about the auther


DOI: 10.25215/1104.148


In the study, the researcher has studied the changes in trends of gender schemas in youth. Gender schemas refer to the roles that are brought upon by society and people of both the genders are expected to fulfill these roles. But there are some people who do not identify with either of the genders and so that leads to exclusion of the gender non-conforming peoples. The study is focused on how gender schemas affect the course of opportunities and decision-making regarding career and how the current gender schemas affect gender non-conforming youth and non-binary youth. The data is taken from the internet; from various websites, and articles. This study concludes that gender roles do play a role in shaping the person’s career options. Gender roles are being questioned among the youth and are being challenged. Inclusivity of gender non-conforming people and non-binary people has also increased, providing them with more opportunities to enhance their lifestyle. This research also states that the increasing awareness about breaking gender roles and schemas will lead a platform with equal view of both male and female counterparts and reduce the competition between both genders and enhance cooperation.

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Published in   Volume 11, Issue 4, October-December, 2023