Comparative Study

| Published: July 27, 2019

How Does Homeless Family Survive in The Street? : A Qualitative Approach

Sofi Dwi Oktafiana

Department of Psychology, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia Google Scholar More about the auther

, Nusaiba Luthfiana

Department of Psychology, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia Google Scholar More about the auther

, Nurhida Rakhma

Department of Psychology, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia Google Scholar More about the auther

, Nuke Martiarini

Department of Psychology, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia Google Scholar More about the auther

DIP: 18.01.008/20190703

DOI: 10.25215/0703.008


The task of family and rights is guaranteed physical and spiritual aspects. But this is different from homeless families. The purpose of this study is to find out how the survival strategy is on a homeless family in the city of Semarang. The research method used is a case study approach. The source of data in this study were homeless families who had lived in the streets for more than 2 years. Data collection techniques used were interviews, observation, and documentation. Validity checking techniques use source triangulation, data collection techniques, and time triangulation. The data analysis technique used through a case study approach. The results of this study were conducted by the strategy to survive on the streets in terms of sleep, doing activities by utilizing public facilities, having relations with security officers, and surviving on the streets to avoid conflict. While the difference in strategy of the two subjects is often about friendship relations and health conditions experienced. After living wandering, both efforts have to improve life in a better direction. There are similarities found outside of life survival themes, including the theme of hedonism, and lack of wife’s role in the family. These are the outside of survival strategy themes, including the themes of psychiatric conditions, partner attitudes while living on the streets, feelings for children, and feelings when staying on the street.

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ISSN 2348-5396

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Published in   Volume 07, Issue 3, July-September, 2019