Original Study

| Published: August 21, 2024

Happiness and Its Factors in Relation to Human Well-Being

Dr. Kashi Nath Pandey

Department of Psychology, M.G.K.V.P. Varanasi, U.P. India. Google Scholar More about the auther


DOI: 10.25215/1203.121


Happiness is a complicated and comprehensive notion that has been thoroughly researched in several areas, including psychology, sociology, economics, and philosophy. This paper explores the various factors that contribute to happiness and examines their relationship to human well-being. This study aims to provide a comprehensive understand of the factors that determine happiness and their implications for both individual and social well-being by evaluating literature from a variety of academic sources. Important elements like personality, social interactions, economic standing, genetics, and cultural influences are examined to see how they affect happiness. The findings underscore the importance of a holistic approach to understanding happiness and its role in enhancing human well-being.

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ISSN 2348-5396

ISSN 2349-3429


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Published in   Volume 12, Issue 3, July-September, 2024