| Published: December 25, 2019
Identity issues among young adult and middle-aged Anglo-Indians
Associate Consultant Psychologist - DRAUP, Zinnov Management Consulting Pvt Ltd, Kormangala, Bangalore, India Google Scholar More about the auther
Research Scholar, Department of Post Graduate Studies and Research in Psychology, SDM College, Ujire, India Google Scholar More about the auther
DIP: 18.01.013/20190704
DOI: 10.25215/0704.013
Anglo-Indian community came into existence as a result of the intermarriages between the British East India Company employees and native women, is said to have experienced both, a preferential treatment over the Indians and being the target of marginalization and discrimination for generations. With India attaining its Independence, Anglo-Indians not only lost their stand on their reasons for living in India, but also faced socio-economic threats. Also, a major threat was posed to their identity, leading to the emergence of severe issues in identity in them. The present study titled, ‘Identity Issues among Anglo-Indians’, is aimed at studying the identity issues faced by the Anglo-Indians, as well as their socio-cultural experiences, from a psycho-social dimension. The participants of the study include 22 young adults and 28 middle-aged Anglo-Indians, recruited using snow-ball sampling method. The Semi-Structured Interview Schedule on Identity Issues among Anglo-Indians, developed by the researcher (2018) was used as a tool for data collection. A thematic analysis of the obtained data was conducted, which resulted in the emergence of various themes such as the withdrawal from social situations which made them feel uncomfortable; avoidance of trusting social relationships; retaliation in response to the comments received and other such.
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© 2019, Ananya K S & Navya Shree G C
Received: September 11, 2019; Revision Received: October 22, 2019; Accepted: December 25, 2019
Article Overview
ISSN 2348-5396
ISSN 2349-3429
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Published in Volume 07, Issue 4, October-December, 2019