Original Study

| Published: December 28, 2021

Impact of COVID-19 on the Well-being of Seafarers

Ms. Juhi Chopra

Psychologist, Shobhit Institute of Engineering & Technology, Meerut, India Google Scholar More about the auther

, Dr. Poonam Devdutt

Professor, Shobhit Institute of Engineering & Technology, Meerut, India Google Scholar More about the auther


DOI: 10.25215/0904.176


During the spread of Pandemic people employed in different fields were working from home. But these ships were continuously moving and supplying essential items all over the world, during these tough times. The ships and people working on them continuously operated during the pandemic as the international trade and import and export of products otherwise would have come to standstill. This study was conducted to understand the impact of COVID-19 on the seafarers. This study aims to understand the impact of COVID-19 on Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual aspects of life of these seafarers. The Questionnaire was prepared consisting of 30 statements. It is studying the Impact of COVID-19 on Physical, Mental, Spiritual and Personal life of people working in the Merchant Navy. 87 participants of all different ranks participated in this study. These participants were from different Ships and at different Ranks.  Many expressed their concern for the health of their family members. The responses show that 64.4 percent of them suffer from anxiety or sad mood when they are not able to travel back home. 85.1 percent of them accept that travelling during Signing ON and Signing OFF cause severe concern to the family since Pandemic. Data show that 26.4 percent experience deterioration in their Interpersonal skills since March 2020. Further it was noted that 44.8 percent of them experienced relationship fluctuations. This study also shows that 46 percent saw an increase in the spiritual activities like listening to Bhajans, Mantras, Meditation etc. Further it shows that 27.6 percent of seafarers learnt new skills and 45 percent of seafarers experienced financial hardships since the Pandemic. This study shows that seafarers too got affected during Pandemic on every front i.e., Physical, Mental, Social, Spiritual and Financial.

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ISSN 2348-5396

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Published in   Volume 09, Issue 4, October- December, 2021