Original Study

| Published: September 21, 2022

Impact of Motherhood on the Mental Health of Working Women

Madhvi Saha

Research Scholar, Arunodaya University  Google Scholar More about the auther

, Dr. Basawaraj

Faculty of Psychology, Department of Arts, Arunodaya University  Google Scholar More about the auther


DOI: 10.25215/1003.128


A woman’s identity and life trajectory are said to be irrevocably altered by becoming a mother. Working women who are also responsible for raising their children have an especially difficult balancing act. Leaving her child in the care of others is difficult for her on many levels. Separation anxiety and feelings of guilt are common reactions among women who must be away from their newborn during this formative period. Stress, exhaustion, worry, and sadness are all more common among working mothers, according to studies. It has also been pointed out that the support of her family is the most important thing for a working mother. A better understanding of the social, psychological, and emotional obstacles women encounter in the workplace is necessary for making changes that benefit all employees. No significant difference was discovered in the well-being of 30 moms compared to 30 non-mothers. Since the p-value for the first hypothesis is greater than 0.05, it is accepted that “there will be no significant difference between the well-being of working women and working mothers.” According to the findings, working mothers are just as happy as stay-at-home moms. Furthermore, working mothers are less likely to face stress in the workplace than their childless female counterparts.

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Published in   Volume 10, Issue 3, July-September, 2022