Comparative Study

| Published: March 25, 2016

Impact of Yogic Practises on Risk Taking Behavior of Attension Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Children

Piyush Dubey

Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Psychology, Govt. M.L.B. Girls P.G. Autonomous College, Bhopal, (M.P.) Google Scholar More about the auther

, Garima Singh Kathait

Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Psychology, Govt. M.L.B. Girls P.G. Autonomous College, Bhopal, (M.P.) Google Scholar More about the auther

, Dr. Anita Puri Singh

Ph.D. Guide, Department of Psychology, Govt. M.L.B. Girls P.G. Autonomous College, Bhopal, (M.P.) Google Scholar More about the auther

DIP: 18.01.163/20160302

DOI: 10.25215/0302.163


Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is one of the most common childhood disorders and can continue through adolescence and adulthood. The purpose of this research was to explore the advantages of yogic practices on risk taking behavior of ADHD. Present study has pre and post experimental design which was conducted on 30 pre diagnosed ADHD School going children with the age group of 8 to 12years selected on random basis. The sample was divided into two control and experimental groups. The Balloon analog risk task (BART) was used for assessment of risk taking behavior of ADHD. The experimental group was given 10 specific yogic practice sessions whereas the control group was given no intervention. Pre and post results indicated that there was no change in the control group in reference to risk taking behavior whereas there was improved in the risk taking behavior of children with ADHD in the experimental group. The positive correlation was found between Yogic practices and risk taking behavior improvement.

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Published in   Volume 03, Issue 2, January-March, 2016