Original Study

| Published: December 09, 2023

A Study on the Relation Between Interpersonal Relationship and Depression Among Young Adults in Post Pandemic

Anushiya R.

Department of psychology, R. V. S College of arts and science, sulur, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. Google Scholar More about the auther

, Shalini A.

Head of the department, Department of psychology, R. V. S College of arts and science, sulur, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. Google Scholar More about the auther


DOI: 10.25215/1104.184


Interpersonal relationships are an important factor in adolescents’ depression. The aim of the study was to investigate the association between Interpersonal relationship and depression among young adults. Method: The study included 222 Participants of both males and females from various college students in Coimbatore. The participants were given a questionnaire to assess the level of depression by using Beck’s depression inventory developed by T. Aaron beck and FIAT(The functional idograph assessment template) was developed by Darrow S.M.Chalaghan, G. M. Bonoe, J. T. Follete(2006) to asses the interpersonal relationship. Pearson’s correlation of coefficient was performed to quantify the association between interpersonal relationship and depression. Results: The results of correlation shows that there is a significant negative correlation the value is -.236 between depression and interpersonal relationship among parents, siblings, friends and family with depression. Conclusion: These findings emphasize that there is a negative correlation between interpersonal relationship and depression which means if the level of depression increases, the interpersonal relationship among friends, family is decreased.

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ISSN 2348-5396

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Published in   Volume 11, Issue 4, October-December, 2023