Comparative Study

| Published: May 08, 2019

Life Skills of High School Teachers: A Comparison of Salesian and Model Schools

Rosily T. E.

Research Scholar, Directorate of Research, Assam Don Bosco University, Kamarkuchi, Sonapur, India Google Scholar More about the auther

, Geetha K

Professor, Directorate of Research, Assam Don Bosco University, Kamarkuchi, Sonapur, India Google Scholar More about the auther

DIP: 18.01.023/20190702

DOI: 10.25215/0702.023


The present study aimed to compare the differential effect of gender, residential locale, educational qualification, age, and service length on the life skills of high school teachers of Salesian schools and Model schools from Andhra Pradesh and Telangana states (India).  The Life Skill Assessment Scale for School Teachers, developed by the investigator for the purpose of the study, was administered along with a personal data sheet on a sample of 300 high school teachers (150 each from Salesian schools and Model schools), selected on a stratified random basis. The data, thus collected, were subjected to statistical analysis (t-test) by keeping the hypotheses in mind. The analysis revealed the presence of a significant difference between Salesian schools and Model schools with regard to their life skills; wherein the Salesian school teachers excelled Model school teachers. The Salesian schools and Model schools differed neither in the life skills of male teachers nor in the life skills of female teachers significantly. The school type was found to be significant in discriminating the rural teachers on the basis of their life skills, but not teachers from urban and semi-urban areas. The Salesian schools and Model schools differed significantly regarding the life skills of postgraduate teachers, but not regarding the life skills of trained graduate teachers. Whereas significant difference was observed between the Salesian schools and Model schools with respect to the life skills of teachers in the 20-29 years and the 30-39 years age groups, no significant difference was observed between teachers in the 40-45 and the >46 years age groups. Length of service was found to be decisive in discriminating teachers from Salesian schools and Model schools for groups having a service length of 6-10 years and 11-15 years.

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Published in   Volume 07, Issue 2, April-June, 2019