Original Study

| Published: June 21, 2024

A Study of Psychological Eight Mood Traits among Maharashtra Police Constables – A Special Reference to Raigad District

Sachin Nagesh Gharat

Researcher, Head Constable Raigad Police, Khopoli Police Station, Tq - Khalapur, District - Raigad, Maharashtra India.   Google Scholar More about the auther

, Prof. (Dr) Nishi Fatma

HOD, Department of Psychology, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj University (CSMU), Panvel, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra India. Google Scholar More about the auther

DIP: 18.01.331.20241202

DOI: 10.25215/1202.331


The study aims to investigate the psychological well-being of Maharashtra Police Constables/Ammaladar by examining various mental health factors such as anxiety, stress, depression, regression, fatigue, guilt, extraversion, and arousal. A sample of 110 constables from the Raigad district, including 58 males and 52 females aged 20 to 55, was assessed using the Eight State Questionnaire, an Indian adaptation by M. Kapoor and M. Bhargava. The study employs non-probability quota sampling to ensure a diverse yet representative cross-section of the constable population. The hypotheses tested whether there were significant gender differences in the eight psychological dimensions. Data analysis using the ‘t’ test revealed that female constables exhibited higher mean levels of anxiety, stress, depression, regression, fatigue, and guilt compared to their male counterparts. Conversely, male constables showed higher mean levels of extraversion. No significant gender difference was found in the arousal dimension. These findings suggest that female constables experience greater psychological distress across several dimensions, while males tend to be more extraverted. The study highlights the need for targeted mental health interventions and support systems within the police force to address these gender-specific disparities and promote overall well-being among Maharashtra Police Constables/Ammaladar.

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Published in   Volume 12, Issue 2, April-June, 2024