Original Study

| Published: December 28, 2021

Mathematics Anxiety of Higher Secondary School Students in Relation to their Personal and School Related Factors

Nandhini M.

Ph.D. SRF Scholar, Department of Education, University of Madras, India Google Scholar More about the auther

, Dr. A. Subramanian

Assistant Professor & Head-in-Charge, Department of Education, University of Madras, India Google Scholar More about the auther


DOI: 10.25215/0904.218


The Aim of this study is to find out the Significant difference between Mathematics Anxiety of Higher Secondary School Students with respect to Gender, Board of Affiliation and Group of Study. The Sample of the study was selected by using Simple Random Sampling technique which includes 1050 Higher Secondary School Students in Chennai. Survey Method was used to collect data. Mathematics Anxiety was measured using the Mathematics Anxiety Scale. Differential Analysis was the Statistical Technique used. Study reveals that there exists a significant difference in the Mathematics Anxiety of the Higher Secondary School Students with respect to Gender and Board of Affiliation. It also shows that there is no significant difference in the Mathematics Anxiety of the Higher Secondary School Students with respect to Group of Study. Based on the results, it was recommended that, Mathematics Teachers should be trained periodically in order to have ideas of innovative approaches of Teaching Mathematics to avoid Anxiety.

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Published in   Volume 09, Issue 4, October- December, 2021