Original Study

| Published: September 30, 2022

Music Preference and Personality in Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students

, Dr. Ramdas Kolekar

Assistant Professor, Sir Parashurambhau College. Google Scholar More about the auther


DOI: 10.25215/1003.190


This research was done to know the correlation between music preference and personality. The present research was conducted on individuals between the age group of 18 – 25 years. 50 individuals volunteered to participate in this research. While checking the outliers two outliers were found and therefore deleted. Therefore, the present results considered 48 participant’s responses. MPS (music preference scale) and NEO FFI inventory was used in this research. MPS consists of 23 genres of music, which are then segregated into five music preference dimensions (Spiritual and Reflective, Intense and Electronic, Contemporary and Rhythmic, Devotional and Cultural, and Emotional and Melodious). This scale is developed by Indian researchers. IBM SPSS v. 24 was used for statistical analysis. This research found four significant negative correlations between music preferences dimensions and personality dimensions. A significant negative correlation between Agreeableness with IE (Intense and Electronic) and SR (Spiritual and Reflective) was seen. A significant negative correlation between Conscientiousness and SR was also seen. A significant negative correlation between CR (Contemporary and Rhythmic) and Agreeableness was also seen.

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ISSN 2348-5396

ISSN 2349-3429


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Published in   Volume 10, Issue 3, July-September, 2022