Comparative Study

| Published: March 25, 2016

Organizational Justice in Relation to Competence, Commitment and Self Motivation

Spriha Mukherjee

MAAP batch 2013 - 2015, AIPS, AUUP, Noida, India Google Scholar More about the auther

, Prof. (Dr). Abha Singh

Director AIPS, Supervisor for Dissertation, India Google Scholar More about the auther

, Dr. Sakshi Mehrotra

AIPS, Co-Supervisor for Dissertation, India Google Scholar More about the auther

DIP: 18.01.078/20160302

DOI: 10.25215/0302.078


For the effective functioning of an organization, it is important for its employees to perform effectively. The level of organizational justice perceived by the employees affects their individual level of competence, commitment and self motivation to a great extent. And this in turn affects the employee’s level of performance within the organization. Organizational justice are of four types, Distributive relating to distribution of resources, Procedural relates to fair execution of procedures, Interpersonal relates to relationship shared with the co-employees and interpersonal relates to the way things are communicated to the employees. All these types of justices when met in accordance to the need of the employees working within the organization leads to better functioning and productivity. The current study aims to study and analyze the level of Organizational Justice in relation to Competence, Commitment and Self Motivation. It was hypothesis that Organizational Justice will share a significant relationship with Competence, Commitment and Self Motivation. The study reported that there exists a positive and direct relationship between Organizational Justice and Competence, Commitment and Self Motivation. With an increase in the level of organizational justice the level of CCSM will increase and with a decrease in the level of organizational justice the level of CCSM will decrease.

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Published in   Volume 03, Issue 2, January-March, 2016