Cognitive Study

| Published: September 24, 2020

Parenting borderline personality disorder: from awareness to action

Jaineeta Khurana

Student, Amity Institute of Psychology and Allied Sciences, Amity University, Noida, India Google Scholar More about the auther

DIP: 18.01.133/20200803

DOI: 10.25215/0803.133


Personality is characterized as enormously ingrained pattern of behaviour that includes thinking about oneself and modes of perception. Traits are prominent aspects of personality and when these traits become inflexible and cause subjective distress then they turn out to be personality disorders. This research paper outlines the role of parenting in nurturing their children with borderline personality disorder. Also, creating the relationship between parents and their children through various intervention or therapies for management of borderline personality disorder. Majority of people diagnosed with borderline personality disorders face difficulties in maintaining stable interpersonal relationships and are characterized by haphazard state of mind. Individuals with borderline personality disorder are indulged in various self-harming or destructive activities and are at high risk of attempting suicide at some point of their life. Databases were extracted from the recent review of literature from past 10 years and it was found that the quality of early care and interactions with children are central to their development and later socio-emotional functioning. The research also gives evidence to the fact that, parent’s level of psychosocial functioning before birth is associated with overall adjustment to parenting and parental psychological characteristics have been associated with improved parenting functioning. The findings also reported that mothers of children diagnosed with borderline personality disorder face a burden in their parenting role. Novel treatment approaches and targeted interventions are discussed to show how positive relationship with primary caregivers helps in coping up, children’s sense of self and their relations with others.

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Published in   Volume 08, Issue 3, July-September, 2020