Correlational Study

| Published: February 28, 2024

Peace Perception and Spiritual Intelligence: A Correlational and Comparative Analysis among Higher Education Students

Tadar Amar

Research Scholar, Department of Psychology, Rajiv Gandhi University, Arunachal Pradesh, India Google Scholar More about the auther

, Kakali Goswami

Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Rajiv Gandhi University, Arunachal Pradesh, India Google Scholar More about the auther


DOI: 10.25215/1201.122


Peace and spirituality are crucial components of human well-being. This study intends to advance knowledge in the growing field of research on the role of spirituality and peace in human endeavor. For the present study, data was collected from a sample of 112 students, age ranging from 20 to 31 pursuing under graduation and post-graduation in various colleges and universities of Arunachal Pradesh. The study variables were measured by standardized psychological tests namely, the Spiritual Intelligence Scale developed by Danah Zohar and Ian Marshall, 1999 and the Peace Perception Scale developed by Danaan Parry and Jeanne White, 1977. The convenience sampling method was used for the selection of the sample. The results were analysed using Pearson correlation coefficients and independent sample t-test. The findings reported that students’ scores on peace perception and spiritual intelligence are significantly correlated (r=0.57, p=0.01). The findings also reported that gender, educational level, and meditation practice may not have a substantial impact on peace perception and spiritual intelligence. The study have implications for teaching peacebuilding and integrating spirituality into the curriculum, as well as for fostering peace among students. Limitations include the use of a convenience sample, and future research could use a more diverse sample to increase the external validity of the study.

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Published in   Volume 12, Issue 1, January-March, 2024