Comparative Study
| Published: January 30, 2017
Performance of Health Professionals
Protection Officer, District Child Protection Unit, Mansa. Punjab, India Google Scholar More about the auther
Professor, Department of Psychology, M.D.University. Rohtak, India Google Scholar More about the auther
DIP: 18.01.024/20170402
DOI: 10.25215/0402.024
A nurse is a healthcare professional who is focused on caring for individuals, families, and communities, ensuring that they attain, maintain, or recover optimal health and functioning. Role of nurses in India is not limited to the provision of care only but in many hospitals across the country nurses are also performing the managerial duties such as indenting medications, maintaining stock and patient records, coordinating with the functioning of health team members etc.“Nursing is a profession in which the element of service to humanity is very strong and is characterized by distinctive traditions, skills, knowledge, values and qualities of a discipline. Articulating this value to the community is one of the challenges nursing faces as it evolves responding to very different practice environments”. The purpose of the study is to examine Performance of health professionals. A sample of 300 Nurses was selected for the presents study. Nursing Performance Scale (Ward and Fetler, 1979) was administered on the sample. The data was subjected to THREE WAY ANOVA (between group factorial designs). Results clearly shows that the performance of nurses has been found varying significantly in relation to Sector (private & public), ward (Emergency & ICU) & experience. Performance of nurses can be enhanced by clearly communicating and organizing their work to ensure that they have the freedom to act on nursing decisions using sound clinical judgment.
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© 2017 Tayal a, Singh S
Received: December 29, 2016; Revision Received: January 20, 2017; Accepted: January 30, 2017
Article Overview
ISSN 2348-5396
ISSN 2349-3429
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Published in Volume 04, Issue 2, January-March, 2017