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| Published: September 25, 2014

Person of the Issue: Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920)

Ankit P. Patel

Clinical Psychology, Dept. of Psychology, Sardar Patel Uni, Vallabh Vidhyanagar, Gujarat, India Google Scholar More about the auther

, Mr. Ansh Mehta

Clinical Psychology, Dept. of Psychology, Sardar Patel Uni, Vallabh Vidhyanagar, Gujarat, India Google Scholar More about the auther

DIP: 18.01.001/20140104

DOI: 10.25215/0104.001


Wilhelm Wundt was born August 16th 1832 in Germany.  He was a psychologist, physician, physiologist, professor, and philosopher. Many historians recognize him as the founding father of psychology, for he was the first to ever to titled as a psychologist. Actually, Wilhelm set psychology apart from philosophy and biology. In 1879, Wundt founded the first laboratory of psychological research at the University of Leipzig, located in Germany. This marked psychology as an individual field of mental studies.  His laboratory enabled him to explore the religious beliefs (conceptual aspect) , strange psychological behaviors, the practice of identification of mental disorders and finding damaged parts of the brain. While documenting his research, he learned that psychology was a separate science.

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Published in   Volume 01, Issue 4, July-September, 2014