Comparative Study

| Published: December 25, 2015

Personality Factors as Determinants of Interest among Adolescents

Dr. Bobinder

Lecturer, Shri Sai Mahavidylaya Fatehpur Putthi (Baghpat) U.P. Google Scholar More about the auther

DIP: 18.01.148/20150301

DOI: 10.25215/0301.148


The objective of this study is the measurement of interest among adolescents. The incidental purposive sampling technique has been used in the present research. For the collection of data ten high schools and intermediate colleges of Baghpat and its surrounding areas were selected. For the convenience of statistical analysis equal number of 25 subjects in each of the 24 cells of 2x2x2x3 factorial setting was randomly pooled out. Thus, 600 subjects were finally selected for this investigation in which 300 subjects were general, 150 boys and 150 girls of rural and urban areas personality factors. Two tools were used (i) Introversion Extroversion Inventory (IEI) by Dr. P.F. Aziz and Dr. (Miss) R. Agnihotry was used for three traits of personality, (ii) Multi-Factors Interest Questionnaire (MFIQ) developed by Dr. S.D. Kapoor and Dr. R.N. Singh (1979). It provides scores on the eight factors of interest i.e., Business (Bu), Clerical (Cl), Agricultural (Ag.) Mechanical (Me), Scientific (Sc), Outdoor (Od), Aesthetic (As), and Social (So). The result show as that the role of environment as rural and urban is not affective on adolescents. The result of this study supports the conclusion of Morgan (2002).

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Published in   Volume 03, Issue 1, October-December, 2015