Comparative Study

| Published: February 24, 2017

Phenomenological Approach to Human Condition in Counselling and Psychotherapy

S.T. Janetius

Professor, Department of Psychology, Jain University, Bangalore, India Google Scholar More about the auther

DIP: 18.01.105/20170402

DOI: 10.25215/0402.105


Applying phenomenology to counselling and psychotherapy is not new in the field of psychology. It is a known fact that the Western models of identifying and classifying mental illness and behavioural problems do not fit well in the life-world of many indigenous communities around the world. The health concepts and healing practices differ obviously based on the life-world and belief systems. Even some of the classifications of psychosomatic sickness need to be reclassified as pneumasomatic as per the uniqueness of the experience and of specific communities (Janetius, 2015). There are also delusive healers in different communities who act as psychotherapists and mental health professionals in disguise, who help people in tune with their worldview and belief system (Janetius, 2013). Exploring the health concepts and healing practices and life-world of different communities and the uniqueness of their subjective experiences, culture-specific approaches are highly recommended for therapy to be meaningful. To this effect, phenomenology comes to the rescue of mental health professionals. This paper conceptualises and explains why and how the philosophical concept phenomenology is integrated into counselling and psychotherapy.

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Published in   Volume 04, Issue 2, January-March, 2017