• There is no significant difference between less than 10 years and more than 10 years experience of Navasari district rural area male do not reaching at nurses service of the organizational health.
• There is no significant difference between less than 10 years and more than 10 years experience of Navasari district rural area female do not reaching at nurses service of the organizational health.
No significant difference was found between Organizational Health in relationship of less than 10 years and more than 10 years experience of Navasari district urban area male do not reaching at nurses service.
• There is no significant difference found between the organizational Health and experience (less than 10 years and more than 10 years experience) of Navasari district urban area female nurses service.
• There is no significant difference between less than 10 years and more than 10 years experience of Navasari district rural area male do not reaching at nurses service of the organizational health.
• There is no significant difference between less than 10 years and more than 10 years experience of Navasari district rural area female do not reaching at nurses service of the organizational health.
No significant difference was found between Organizational Health in relationship of less than 10 years and more than 10 years experience of Navasari district urban area male do not reaching at nurses service.
• There is no significant difference found between the organizational Health and experience (less than 10 years and more than 10 years experience) of Navasari district urban area female nurses service.
• There is no significant difference between less than 10 years and more than 10 years experience of Navasari district rural area male do not reaching at nurses service of the organizational health.
• There is no significant difference between less than 10 years and more than 10 years experience of Navasari district rural area female do not reaching at nurses service of the organizational health.
No significant difference was found between Organizational Health in relationship of less than 10 years and more than 10 years experience of Navasari district urban area male do not reaching at nurses service.
• There is no significant difference found between the organizational Health and experience (less than 10 years and more than 10 years experience) of Navasari district urban area female nurses service.
Reaching-Unreachable Nurses Service among Organizational Health » The International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy
Professor and Head, Department of Psychology, Sardar Patel University, Vallabhviedyanagar, Dist: Anand, Gujarat State, India
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Organization is just like structure as well as human body. It has some essential features e.g. structure, process, relationship, authority, responsibility, performance, individuals group behaviour, which is used to man and woman in different status with specific relations. Present study aimed and objective examine the relationship between Nurses services reference to Gender and experience of Organizational health for reaching the unreachable. The Nurses working of organizationl health in implies not only his bicultural approach but she’s wide approaches of ‘tricultural’ during service like values of stress, tension, anxiety, conflict etc. of different places with concerned peoples. Fordyce and well, (1971), discussed detailed characteristics of healthy and unhealthy organizations. Schein, (1973). “The researcher has used two Independent variables of present study as well as The variables namely (A) Types of Gender (B) types of experiences as a factors effected of organizational health. The perceived organizational health Inventory Constructed & standardized by Miles M.B (1973), Dr.Makvana (2010) and Samira Khalifa was used in (2017). The scale consisted in total statement was 40, five type key answer as a completely agreed, Agreed to a great extent, some extent, little extent to completely disagree.. A sample of 240 respondent’s viz. Male and female was selected from Navasari district different primary health centre and CHC (Chikhali-168 to 170,Gandevi-171,Navasari-172-73,Vasada-174-75, and Jalalpur-176-77) situated at Navasari district. Hence, this gives rise to a variables of Gender and experience for the analysis of the data. Statistical technique like ‘t’ was resorted in order to get the results.
• There is no significant difference between less than 10 years and more than 10 years experience of Navasari district rural area male do not reaching at nurses service of the organizational health.
• There is no significant difference between less than 10 years and more than 10 years experience of Navasari district rural area female do not reaching at nurses service of the organizational health.
No significant difference was found between Organizational Health in relationship of less than 10 years and more than 10 years experience of Navasari district urban area male do not reaching at nurses service.
• There is no significant difference found between the organizational Health and experience (less than 10 years and more than 10 years experience) of Navasari district urban area female nurses service.
The author appreciates all those who participated in the study and helped to facilitate the research process.
The author declared no conflict of interests.
This is an Open Access Research distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (www.creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any Medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
How to cite this article: Makvana, S M & Rane, S S (2018). Reaching-Unreachable Nurses Service among Organizational Health. International Journal of Indian Psychology, Vol. 6, (2), DIP: 18.01.056/20180602, DOI: 10.25215/0602.056
April 30, 2018;
Revision Received:
May 06, 2018;
June 15, 2018
Responding Author Information
Dr. S. M. Makvana @ sureshmakvana.1191@rediffmail.com