Original Study

| Published: August 03, 2021

Relationship Between Social Media Addiction Procrastination and Academical Motivation in UG and PG Students

J Jerin

Student, Department of Psychology Jain University, Bangalore, India Google Scholar More about the auther


DOI: 10.25215/0903.017


Social media, the baseline communication for all age groups now a days with the increasing level of reliance in the information we are acquiring from various social media platform. It has replaced radio, television, SMS and much more. Procrastination, the act of delaying or postponing a task or set of tasks. A trait most of the student community accused to be having. Academical motivation, refers to the cause of behaviors that are in some way related to academic functioning and success. The study is to understand the relationship between social media usage, procrastination and academical motivation within two groups- UG and PG. Many studies have been done on this area but not with these three variables with this sample population. The sample consisted of 120 students out of which 60 were PG students and 60 were UG students. Purposive sample methods were used. The tools used for the study were Social Media Addiction Scale by Cengiz Şahin, Academic motivation scale (AMS-c 28) by Robert J. Vallerand and Procrastination scale by Lay. The results showed that there is no significance relationship between social media usage, academical motivation and procrastination. The study also showed that there is no significance difference between UG and PG students regarding Procrastination and Social media Usage and a significant difference regarding Academic motivation.

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ISSN 2348-5396

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Published in   Volume 09, Issue 3, July- September, 2021