Original Study

| Published: December 04, 2022

Sexual Health Awareness Scale (S.H.A.S)

Stuti Parasha Kashyap

I M. Sc. Psychology, Mount Carmel College, Bangalore Google Scholar More about the auther

, Ashwathy A N

I M. Sc. Psychology, Mount Carmel College, Bangalore Google Scholar More about the auther

, Shalini Pai

I M. Sc. Psychology, Mount Carmel College, Bangalore Google Scholar More about the auther

, Serena Ajith

I M. Sc. Psychology, Mount Carmel College, Bangalore Google Scholar More about the auther

, Akhila Asokan

I M. Sc. Psychology, Mount Carmel College, Bangalore Google Scholar More about the auther

, Grace Maria Jochan

I M. Sc. Psychology, Mount Carmel College, Bangalore Google Scholar More about the auther

, Trina Banerjee

I M. Sc. Psychology, Mount Carmel College, Bangalore Google Scholar More about the auther


DOI: 10.25215/1004.074


The understanding people have of sexual health is quiet outdated. This can lead to unsafe sexual practices and unsatisfactory sexual experiences. The Sexual Health Awareness Scale can help in analysisng the level of awareness an individual has about sexual health, thereby providing a reference for sex educators and therapists. The scale explores three main domains belies about sexual, attitude towards sexual health and sexual practices. The scale uses a Likert scale. The scale is a self-inventory. Once the participants complete answering the questions they are scored, interpreted and taken for further analysis. The validity of the scale was done by the evaluation of subject matter experts. The questions in the scale were tested for their reliability using SPSS.

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Published in   Volume 10, Issue 4, October-December, 2022