Comparative Study
| Published: September 30, 2017
Social Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence: Correlational Analysis among Secondary School Students in Different Achievement Levels
Research Scholar, KIHE, Karpagam University, Coimbatore, India Google Scholar More about the auther
Professor & HOD, Dept. of Education, KIHE, Karpagam University, Coimbatore, India Google Scholar More about the auther
DIP: 18.01.156/20170404
DOI: 10.25215/0404.156
The present study aims to explore the relationship between social intelligence and emotional intelligence of secondary school students in different levels of academic achievement. The Social Intelligence Test and the Emotional Intelligence Scale developed by the investigators for the purpose of the study were administered to gather data from a stratified random sample of 628 high school students in the age range 13 to 16. The analysis of the data with SPSS revealed that presence of significant difference among high-, average-, and low achievers in secondary school students with regard to their social intelligence and emotional intelligence. The study exposed the presence of low, but significant positive correlation between social intelligence and emotional intelligence of secondary school students. The high-, average-, and low achievers, however, do not differ significantly with regard to the degree of relationship between their social intelligence and emotional intelligence.
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© 2017 Thomas D P & Rathina K. V
Received: August 15, 2017; Revision Received: September 25, 2017; Accepted: September 30, 2017
Article Overview
ISSN 2348-5396
ISSN 2349-3429
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Published in Volume 04, Issue 4, July-September, 2017