Original Study

| Published: July 24, 2024

The Study on the Affinity of Social Networking and Social Connectedness

Annthea Feroda Phanbuh

Master of Science in Psychology (Clinical), Department of Psychology, CMR University Google Scholar More about the auther

, Hrithika Mishra

Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, CMR University Google Scholar More about the auther


DOI: 10.25215/1203.036


Social networking services allow us to reconnect with old friends and make new ones. This may be particularly relevant for young people. Youths’ increased usage of data platforms has impacted their choices in a number of ways, including their yearning for a sense of connection. This study is quantitative research. Using a standardized questionnaire, 102 participants were taken from college students. Taking social networking as the independent variable and social connectedness as the dependent variable. Statistical analysis was performed by Spearman. Rho Correlations were implemented using SPSS version 25. According to the findings, social networking and social connectedness have a significant negative impact; Spearman’s rank-order correlation coefficient was -.069. The findings indicate that Cohen’s cut-off points indicate there is no significant correlation between two variables. The p-value is above 0.05, indicating that there is no significant correlation between the two variables. We may conclude that there is no significant correlation between social networking and social connectedness. These findings suggest the expansion of literature on social networking and social connectedness among college students in India.

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Published in   Volume 12, Issue 3, July-September, 2024