Comparative Study
| Published: September 25, 2014
Stress Manage by Yoga
Lecturer, Smt. R. R. Patel Mahila College, RAJKOT-360 004, Gujarat, India Google Scholar More about the auther
DIP: 18.01.034/20140104
DOI: 10.25215/0104.034
Stress management is the need of the hour. However hard we try to go beyond a stress situation, life seems to find new ways of stressing us out and plaguing us with anxiety attacks.There can be innumerable stress factors since different individuals react differently to the same stress conditions. The brain doesn’t differentiate between real and imagined stress. Failure in adopting a realistic attitude to events creates symptoms of depression and aggravates stress situations.Do “stressed out” parents necessarily have stressed out kids? Besides being at higher genetic risk for stress, children of stressed parents can also learn the tendency to get stressed out in reaction to life’s challenges from their parents.”Children of stressed out parents are more likely to be ill equipped to handle stressors positively. Research shows that nicotine dependency actually increases stress levels in smokers-adults and adolescence alike. Adolescent smokers report increasing levels of stress as they develop regular patterns of smoking. The repeated occurrence of stressed moods between smoking means that smokers tend to experience distinctly above-average levels of daily stress. When adults quit smoking, they become less stressed rather than more stressed. Reduces stress hormones (studies shows, laughter induces reduction of at least four of neuroendocrine hormones—epinephrine, cortisol, dopac, and growth hormone, associated with stress response).It is well known that either a quick or constant stress can induce risky mind-body disorders. Stressed out individuals carry a great deal of physical tension in their bodies. Under stress the stiff muscles restrict the circulation of blood. Yogic asanas, meditation and breathing can help stress affected persons in many ways such as:(1)Reduce stress and tension, and (2) Mindfulness meditation helps stress reduction, improving physical and mental health.
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© 2014 Dr. Jayesh N. Bhalala
Received: July 14, 2014; Revision Received: August 08, 2014; Accepted: September 25, 2014
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ISSN 2348-5396
ISSN 2349-3429
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Published in Volume 01, Issue 4, July-September, 2014