Comparative Study

| Published: March 18, 2019

Study Aimed to Know the Mental Health Problem Faced by Tribals during Migration Out of Nandurbar District of Maharashtra

Dr. Mahajan Vilas Gokul

Assistant Professor, Dept of Psychology, Shivchhatrapati Arts College, Pachod, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India Google Scholar More about the auther

DIP: 18.01.100/20190701

DOI: 10.25215/0701.100


Migration is one of the burning issued of the state like Maharashtra be it pull factors (high wages, city life, better opportunity etc) or push factors (like unemployment, poverty, pathogenic home environment, uneven land distribution etc ) the tribal’s which include both Bhil and Pawara are compelled to leave there native place in search of their better livelihood prospect. Mental health problem faced by tribal’s during migration out of Nandurbar District of Maharashtra of Maharastra. Total 150 samples were taken of migrant and non-migrant who include both male and female tribal groups. The stratified random technique was used to collect the data.  Descriptive analysis was made to find out the result. The findings show that the migrant group is having more anxiety in compared to non-migrant groups of tribal people. Migrant male group of people are showing more psychopathic deviation, repression sensitization, anxiety, depression and hysterical symptoms, whereas female migrant group was found the psychiatric symptoms like anxiety, repression sensitization, depression and hysterical behaviour.

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Published in   Volume 07, Issue 1, January-March, 2019