Original Study

| Published: August 18, 2021

Study on Ayurvedic and Alternative Treatment for Schizophrenia

Khyati Saxena

Master Degree in Clinical Psychology, Amity Institute of Psychology and Allied Science, Noida, UP, India Google Scholar More about the auther


DOI: 10.25215/0903.071


As per some past significant researches, since ancient time Ayurveda is being used for treating schizophrenia. Ayurveda provides an ability to consider the essence of the mind in a manner that is entirely new and distinct from the Western forms of Clinical and Mental Medicine. Ayurveda psychology finds mental illnesses (schizophrenia) to be energy imbalances at the inner level. In the present literature review, it is argued that Ayurveda and other alternative medicines can be used for schizophrenia treatment. They have less and short-term side effects on schizophrenia patients in comparison to antipsychotic drugs such as chlorpromazine. Firstly, I had an in-depth study on Ayurveda. Then, the effects of antipsychotics medications on schizophrenic patients were studied. Further, I synthesize researches testing the effects of Ayurvedic medication, and other alternative treatments on psychotic patients especially schizophrenia patients. The discussion was closed stating that Ayurvedic and Alternative treatments including Traditional Chinese Medication, Chinese herbs, herbal preparations, and yoga is efficacious and has short term side effects on patients. Moreover, these treatments proved to be significantly effective even when paired with antipsychotic drugs.

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ISSN 2348-5396

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Published in   Volume 09, Issue 3, July- September, 2021