Original Study
| Published: April 25, 2021
Tap into Your Inner Power: Art Therapy and Dementia
B.A Program., Department of Psychology, Jesus and Mary College, New Delhi, India Google Scholar More about the auther
DOI: 10.25215/0902.015
Dementia is the loss of cognitive functioning and behavioural abilities to such an extent that it interferes and affects the way a person interacts with other people performs his daily life activities and is unable to remember anything. These functions include the ability to perceive our surroundings visually, problem-solving, self-management, and the ability to focus and concentrate. Today, dementia has become prevalent and common especially in the aged population. There are, however, many ways to treat and reduce its symptoms. Research has shown art therapy to be one of the ways by which we can reduce the symptoms of dementia. Art therapy refers to the process in which different art methods are used and applied to enhance the client’s mental and emotional wellbeing. There are various types of art therapies which include narrative art therapy, cognitive-based art therapy, mindfulness art therapy, mandala art therapy, and environment-based art therapy. All of these therapies help the patient become more aware of themselves and the surroundings. Art therapies focus on ways through which one can gain personal insight and develop coping skills. Art therapy has shown positive changes in dementia patients like improvement in attention and orientation, reducing the psychological and behavioral symptoms and development of social skills.
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© 2021, Nayyar N.
Received: March 08, 2021; Revision Received: April 03, 2021; Accepted: April 25, 2021
Article Overview
ISSN 2348-5396
ISSN 2349-3429
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Published in Volume 09, Issue 2, April-June, 2021