Comparative Study
| Published: December 25, 2015
The Effect of Age on Uniqueness, Simplicity and Aliveness among Old Age People
Asst. Professor, Post Graduate Department of Studies in Psychology, Maharani's College for Women, Mysore
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Asst. Professor, Maharaja College, University of Mysore
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Professor and Chairman, Department of Psychology, Gulbarga University Gulbarga, Karnataka
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DIP: 18.01.173/20150301
DOI: 10.25215/0301.173
The present study is an attempt to investigate the conjoint of impact of age on uniqueness, simplicity and aliveness among old age people. The sample consists of 210 old age people from Mysore old age home. In 210, 105 pensioned and 105 non pensioned old age people, the data collected in random method. The result shows that, significant differences in gender, domicile and dimensions of the behavior, also age is more effective role in changing uniqueness, simplicity and aliveness.
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© 2015 I C Jamadar, S Gowda, S Melkeri
Received: November 04, 2015; Revision Received: November 20, 2015; Accepted: December 25, 2015
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ISSN 2348-5396
ISSN 2349-3429
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Published in Volume 03, Issue 1, October-December, 2015