Comparative Study
| Published: November 20, 2018
The Effect of Internet Addiction on Emotional Maturity of Collage Going Students
Assist. Professor, Dr. Sow. I.B.P. Mahila College, Samarthnagar, Aurangabad, India Google Scholar More about the auther
DIP: 18.01.042/20180604
DOI: 10.25215/0604.042
In this digital age, the internet revolution substainally affected people’s life. Education, economics, politics and social fields are greatly influenced by the internet. The internet dependency has a positive and negative impact on people. For Students, the teaching and learning have become easier compared to the olden days as nowadays information is at their fingertips. Despits its benefits, internet addiction may negatively impact the students life such as on their emotional maturity, emotional unstability, regression social maladjustment, disintrigration and lack of independence. Therefore, the aim of the present study is to determine the effect of internet addiction on the Emotional Maturity of the students. This study was conducted among 120 college going students in Aurangabad City. The Internet addiction test and Emotional Maturity Test was used ‘f’ test was used to analyse the data. The result revealed that, there will be a significant difference on the Emotional Maturity, Emotional unstability, Emotional Regression, Social maladjustment, personality disintegration and lack of independence of Internet Addict and Non internet Addict students. The Internet Addict students have greater the degree of emotional immaturity, Emotional unstability, Emotional regression, Social Maladjustment, Personality disintegration and lack of Independence. The result of this study can serve as a reminder and create awareness to the parents and teachers to better control their children’s internet access. Such as cutting the budget for broadband allowance and continuous monitoring and can serve as an eye opener to students on negative effects of internet excessive use thus, the students need to wisely use the internet for educational purposes.
Internet addiction, Emotional maturity, Emotional unstability, Emotional Regression, Social Maladjustment, Personality disintegration and lack of Independence.
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© 2018 Senad, R. R
Received: August 03, 2018; Revision Received: August 21, 2018; Accepted: November 20, 2018
Article Overview
ISSN 2348-5396
ISSN 2349-3429
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Published in Volume 06, Issue 4, October-December, 2018