Special Issue

| Published: September 17, 2014

The Psychology of the Mind

DIP: 18.01.504/20140203

DOI: 10.25215/0203.504


You should form your own view. The best way of doing that is, before you go for external help, to search the internet under the subject you wish to be treated for. One psychiatrist will say this and another will say that. His experience, and the books he has read will be based on answers give by human beings. The problem with this is that truth is in short supply. Answers given in 75% of cases are not true. According to Indian traditional wisdom, we live in Kali Yug and 75% of all truth and goodness has disappeared in the world. Even if someone does not consciously lie he or she typically does not know the real answers to complicated questions like .are you in love. and all the other questions that you may be asked by a psychologist. Hence 50% of answers will be false, on average. But, the closer and more important a thing is to you the more jealously will you guard it.


Psychology, Mind

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Shyam Mehta @

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ISSN 2348-5396

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Published in   Special Issues of Volume 2, Issue 3, 2014