Comparative Study

| Published: December 25, 2015

The Study on Gender Bias among Adult and Middle Aged Women

Dr. Tabinda Iqbal

Post Doctoral Fellow, Dept of Education, A.M.U, Aligarh Google Scholar More about the auther

DIP: 18.01.071/20150301

DOI: 10.25215/0301.071


Millions of women’s are raised in an environment of neglect, overwork, and often, abuse, simply because they are female. In many countries women’s are fed less than their brothers, forced to work harder, provided less schooling and denied equal access to medical care. They marry earlier and face greater risks of dying in adolescent and early adult hood. Their impaired health and lost opportunities exact a terrible toll on society and on future generations. South Asian countries and India are societies with strong patriarchal norms, a high degree of son preference and pervasive gender Discriminations. Gender discrimination and continued gender gap have been the most persistent social problems facing the global community. These problems have received considerable attention particularly during the past three decades through a series of initiatives at international, regional and national levels. This process was formally initiated through the programmes centring on the international women’s year in 1975. However, the overall economic development of a nation requires maximum utilization of human resources without any discrimination on the basis of caste, creed, religion or sex. In this particular study the investigator has tried to “the study on gender bias among adult and middle aged women”. The sample of the study comprises of 300 adult and middle aged women. Gender bias scale developed by investigator Department of education A.M.U, was used for data collection, t-test when applied on data revealed that the result is 0.5 level of confidence.


Gender, Adult, Middle, Women, Bias

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Published in   Volume 03, Issue 1, October-December, 2015