Cognitive Study

| Published: March 03, 2021

To study of achievement motivation of college students in relation to their gender and education stream

Ms. Bali G Bhalani

Department of Psychology, M.T.B. Arts College, Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat, India Google Scholar More about the auther

DIP: 18.01.029/20210901

DOI: 10.25215/0901.029


The purpose of this research is to find out the achievement motivation level of college students concerning their gender and educational stream. The 3 x 2 factorial research design and ANOVA statistical methods are used. 40 students of Arts faculty 40 students of Commerce faculty and 40 students of science faculty were randomly only selected. The sample comprised of 120 students of Surat District of Gujarat. Achievement Motivation inventory adopted by Dr. Ashwin Jansari is used for data collection from the result more Achievement Motivation on was seen in the students of science faculty than the students of arts and commerce faculty. As per the ANOVA table the SSA shows that the calculated value F is 5.08 and the tabulated value of F is can be said that there’s no significant difference found in achievement motivation level among arts, commerce, and science students. As per the ANOVA table the SSB shows that the calculated value of F is 16.66 and the tabulated value of F is 3.92.its shows that there’s no significant difference in achievement motivation level between gender of girls and boys students. As per the ANOVA the SSAB is related to education stream and gender. It shows that the calculated value of F is 0.87 and the tabulated value of F is3.07. So that there’s significant difference in the achievement motivation level of college students about their educational stream and gender. According to statistical analysis the Arts commerce and science students are not having a similar achievement motivation level relation to educational streams. The boys and girls are both not having a similar achievement motivation level related to gender and the other hand the all the college going students having different achievement motivation levels.

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Published in   Volume 09, Issue 1, January-March, 2021