Comparative Study

| Published: December 25, 2016

Unprotected In an Islamic Country; Experiences of Childhood Sexual Abuse among Pakistani Women

Anam Shahid

Experiences, Childhood Sexual Abuse, Stories, Females, Trauma Google Scholar More about the auther

, Naumana Amjad

Institute of Applied Psychology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan Google Scholar More about the auther

DIP: 18.01.058/20160401

DOI: 10.25215/0401.058


This study qualitatively explored the experiences of childhood sexual abuse in females. Semi structured interviews with open ended questions were used to obtain in-depth information about various aspects of this experience, ; perpetrator characteristics, type and frequency of abuse, victim’s response/reaction, reporting to family or other adults, treatment seeking treatment and perceived effects on mental and physical health. The participants were approached through snow ball sampling. 5 females of different backgrounds and ages who gave consent to share personal information were interviewed. Their verbatim were transcribed and content analyzed. The results of the interviews after content analyzed were that their current age, ages at time of abuse, reporting experiences, relationship with abuser, psychological reactions and counseling sought of or not. To lend support to findings of first study, as a next step, three anonymous stories were selected from the internet and content analyzed. The findings of the study revealed that incident of abuse at home have higher frequency then outside. Three out of five participants were abused by their close relatives, 2 were abused by family friends. Most common form was kissing, touching body parts and showing pornography. The reaction of the family mostly was not supportive. The emotional effects were: sad mood and feeling of unhappy and isolation, worthless and crying episodes. Physical effects ere palpitation, trembling and increasing heart beat immediately after abuse. Some victims of sexual abuse felt sexual repulsion and have difficulty accepting closeness to men. 3 out of 5 participants sought counseling but 1 of 3 participants took counseling after very long time. Two women reported taking sleeping pills for the quality of sleep. So, collectively, from interviews and stories, it was found that the impact of sexual abuse remains same across cultures.

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Published in   Volume 04, Issue 1, October-December, 2016