Comparative Study

| Published: September 25, 2016

Use of Scaffolds to Manage the Cognitive Load Experienced By Student Teachers in an Online Training Package on Problem Based Learning Strategy (PBLS)

Ms. Vaishali Manoj Sawant

Asst. Professor, Hansraj Jivandas College of Education, Dr. Madhuri Shah Campus, Junction of 16th and 17th Road, Ramkrishna Mission Marg, Khar West, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Google Scholar More about the auther

DIP: 18.01.067/20160304

DOI: 10.25215/0304.067


Cognitive load refers to load imposed on the working memory while performing a particular task. The basic premise of cognitive load theory is that learners have a limited capacity when dealing with new information. Moreover cognitive load theory assumes that learners have “an effectively unlimited long term memory holding cognitive schemas that vary in their degree of complexity and automation”. Furthermore, when handling new information, working memory is severely limited in both capacity and duration. The educational implication of cognitive load theory hence focuses on reduction of work load on working memory so as to increase learning effectiveness. Because novices lack the schemas necessary to process complex material in working memory, scaffolding for these missing schemas, thereby promotes schema construction. In this study on 41 Student teachers undergoing the online training on Scaffolded Problem Based Learning (PBLS), Cognitive load is measured in terms of mental efforts and mental load experienced by the learners while working towards solutions to the problems. Findings indicate significant difference between the cognitive load felt before and after the training which is also supported by the  qualitative data indicating  reduction in  the cognitive load as the students move from Problem one to Problem ten.

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Published in   Volume 03, Issue 4, July-September, 2016