Original Study
| Published: October 18, 2023
Work Stress and Employee Performance: Analysis of Work Stress and it’s Implication on Employee Performance
Department of Social Sciences, School of Liberal Studies, Pandit Deendayal Energy University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India Google Scholar More about the auther
DOI: 10.25215/1104.031
Stress may be a universal element and individuals in every walk of life should face it. The employee working in several organizations should cater to stress. These stresses result in decreased organizational performance, decreased employees’ overall performance, and decreased quality of labor, high staff turnover, and absenteeism. It also causes health problems like anxiety, depression, headache and backache. The emphasis on management of work stress (WS) in the corporate world assumes that the ability to manage work stress is associated with enhanced employee performance which suggests that WS is a vital tool having sturdy and significant impact on both employee’s employee performance and overall employee performance. Performance is important as it determines the survival of the organization and it also reflects how the organization can cope in today’s challenging business environment. Work stress has been measured in relation to three main dimensions of job performance: task performance, contextual performance, and counterproductive work behaviour during this study. The target of the study is to explore and examine the factors that play a crucial role in creating stress among employees. And eventually, to know the impact of stress on employee performance Design/Approach- A total of 123 responses were collected for both the variables: work stress, and employee performance, from Ahmedabad district. Employees from the age group 25-50 were taken. Employees were informed about the purpose of the study and prior consent was taken. The results show that work stress in employees significantly decreases their performance. Rational- The research on work stress and employee performance is based on the recognition that work-related stress is a prevalent problem in many industries and can have a negative impact on employee well-being and organizational outcomes. Studies have shown that high levels of work stress can lead to decreased job satisfaction, increased absenteeism, decreased productivity, and increased turnover rates. Additionally, work stress can also lead to adverse health effects, such as anxiety, depression, and cardiovascular disease. Therefore, understanding the relationship between work stress and employee performance is crucial for organizations to develop strategies to manage stress and improve employee well-being and organizational outcomes. Through research, we can identify the causes and effects of work stress and develop effective interventions to mitigate the negative impact of stress on employee performance.
This is an Open Access Research distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any Medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
© 2023, Shah, B.
Received: September 08, 2023; Revision Received: October 14, 2023; Accepted: October 18, 2023
Article Overview
ISSN 2348-5396
ISSN 2349-3429
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Published in Volume 11, Issue 4, October-December, 2023