Cognitive Study

| Published: December 25, 2019

A study of achievement motivation, self – concept and adjustment among college students

Miss. Surekha Harishchandra Kundhare

Research  Student, Department Of Psychology, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada, University, Aurangabad, India Google Scholar More about the auther

, Dr. R.M.Ghoti

Research  Guide, Department Of Psychology, Shivaji Arts,Commerce,Science College Kannad, India Google Scholar More about the auther

DIP: 18.01.095/20190704

DOI: 10.25215/0704.095


The Present Study Of Achievement Motivation, Self-Concept And Adjustment Among college  student. Many  factors can  impact a Students’ quality of life during the  transition to college  from  high-School. Incoming college freshmen are forced to Adjust to a new  social   network, new living  arrangements, financial  concerns, and the standards of a different academic environmen. Pascarella and Terenzini (1991)  describe  this transition  as  a “culture  shock  involving  significant social  and psychological relearning in the  face  of encounters  with  new ideas,  new teachers and friends with quite varied   values and beliefs, new  freedoms  and  opportunities, and new academic, personal  and social demands.” According to the literature, many adolescent handle this transition successfully, but a significant subset has difficulty. Despite   the  growth opportunities it provides,  this  period  of life is often accompanied by  stress and  maladjustment, which can  cause  devastating academic and  health  consequences. For instance ,adjustment during the first  year in college can predict  level  of academic achievement (Van Heyningen, 1977) and  college  completion (Grant-Vallone,  et al) similarly ,maladjustment is a predictor of withdrawal from college and negative  impacts on physical and psychological health. As reported  in  many  studies ,college transition  can  trigger emotional and  behavioral problems ranging from feeling depressed and stressed  to engaging in health risk  behaviors,  such  as  drinking alcohol, smoking or driving dangerously. So it will essential to parents and educator to acknowledge the factors related to their achievement motivation and adjustment. The Present investigation,  an  attempt was  made  to  study  the  achievement motivation, Self- concept , and  adjustment  of college students in relation to their gender  and inhabitance. The sample was comprised of 200 college students with equal number of male and  female  from Aurangabad.

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ISSN 2348-5396

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Published in   Volume 07, Issue 4, October-December, 2019