Original Study

| Published: November 06, 2023

Standardization and Calibration of E-Learning Scale

Dr. Mahesh Kumar Muchhal

Associate Professor, Department of Teacher Education, Department of Teacher Education, Baraut, Baghpat Google Scholar More about the auther


DOI: 10.25215/1104.089


E-learning is a novel approach to education that allows people to learn about any subject from the convenience of their homes using online communication tools. Mobile devices, tablets, computers, laptops, etc. are required for both the instructor and the student.  The revolution in information communication made it closer amongst nations. This revolution had an impact on schooling. Thanks to internet technology, we can now learn from the top academics in the world while sitting in the comfort of our own homes. We can instantly access information from anywhere in the world. Through e-learning, a teacher can teach their students from anywhere in the world while maintaining the highest level of quality. Today, there is a great need for E-Learning scale to know the online capability of teachers and students. This scale will greatly impact the teaching of students and teachers. E-Learning literature related to prominent teacher educators and distance education specialists at the level of difficulty were consulted before the dimensions became sophisticated. This scale is for the English and Hindi medium scholars. Five dimensions and sixty statements were kept in the E-Learning scale. Content validity and face validity of the scale was determined by discussing with e-learning experts, education experts and distance education experts. The reliability of the scale was determined by Split half-method and test-retest method which was obtained respectively as 0.90 and 0.88. Z-scores were used to interpret the results of the scale.

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Published in   Volume 11, Issue 4, October-December, 2023