Original Study

| Published: December 08, 2021

Gender and Self Confidence of Andaman College Going Students

Sakthivel K

Department of Psychology, Andaman College (ANCOL), Chaakkargaon, South Andaman, India Google Scholar More about the auther


DOI: 10.25215/0904.125


Self-confidence is the process of becoming the greatest person one can be in order to achieve one’s own life goals. It is the highest human goal. A strong expectation of success characterizes self-confidence. It can help individuals to arouse positive emotion, facilitate concentration, set goals, increase effort, focus their game strategies and maintain momentum (Weinberg and Gould, 1999). The aim of this study was to examine the self confidence among Andaman college students. A total 220 respondents were recruited from Andaman college (ANCOL). Self confidence inventory designed by Dr. Rekha Gupta (1971). The samples were selected Purposive Sampling technique. Independent t-test was used for analyzing the data. The result shows that independent t-test found significant difference at the mean scores of self confidence among Gender with consideration of course. The independent t-test found significant difference at the mean scores of self confidence among Area (Urban/rural). With consideration of residence and gender where as significant difference was found among students. The results were discussed limitations were analyzed and future research scope was suggested.

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ISSN 2348-5396

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Published in   Volume 09, Issue 4, October- December, 2021